Our history is rooted in Cape Cod village life. On the evening of February 16, 1846, about 25 men of Cotuit Port, most of them sea captains, met to consider the possibility of building a spacious and conveniently located Meeting House at which Baptists, Congregationalists, and Methodists might worship together. Before the evening was out, they adopted a statement of purpose, and decided to build on land owned by Captain Leander Nickerson.
In 1879, however, there was a parting of the ways between the Congregationalists and the Methodists. The Methodists secured land at the corner of School and High Streets (the site of our present church) and on April 5, 1901 the cornerstone was laid. In 1923, the Methodists and Congregationalists decided to rejoin together in worship.
Since that time, the Cotuit Federated Church continues to be a federated church, with both The United Methodist Church and United Church of Christ (formerly Congregational) welcoming worshipers of all traditions.